Please help us welcome Ashley Layton to Heritage Middle School as an 8th Grade ELA Teacher! #TeamHMS

Please help us welcome Dominic Procaccino to Heritage Middle School as our new assistant principal! #TeamHMS

Today we celebrated our HMS READS participants who read 10 or more books this year! Way to go readers!

HMS had over 60 students participate in Academic UIL this school year! Yesterday we had our celebration of the medal winners for the different events. Congratulations to our students!

Let's celebrate our HMS Teachers of the Month for April 2024! #GrowingGreatnessHMS

Academic UIL results are in from last weekend! Help us congratulate all of our HMS UIL Winners! We are proud of you and your efforts. #GrowingGreatnessHMS http://uilnetc.org/Awards.php

Congratulations to the students in Mr. Pearce’s Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance for completing the Junior Achievement Popup Company Program!
Each class raised funds and donated to a local benefactor of their choosing. 2nd period chose Heroes for Children, 3rd period chose Tarrant Area Food Bank, 4th period chose Grapevine Animal Shelter and 8th period chose DogsLife.
Each class was responsible for surveying their market, purchasing inventory, selling, and finally donating the profits to their selected charity. 2nd period profited $923.34, 3rd period profited $453.60, 4th period profited $633.76, and 8th period profited $374.13. Way to go Broncos!

🌟 Attention GCISD students and parents! 🌟
As a reminder, GCISD schools will be closed this coming Monday, April 15, for a bad weather makeup day that, fortunately, we don't have to use! This applies to all schools except iUniversity Prep and Collegiate Academy. We will see everyone back in school on Tuesday, April 16.

Thank you to everyone who came to yesterday's Bond 2024 Open House: Swim Center Tour. If you missed the event and want to learn more about the bond, please join us for our final community presentation on Tuesday, April 16, at 6 p.m. in Grapevine Middle School’s cafeteria. #WeAreGCISD

Please join us as we celebrate our HMS Teachers of the Month for March 2024!!! #GrowingGreatnessHMS

Have you purchased your shirt for Walk a Mile with GCISD? The online store is open through April 10 to ensure delivery by the May 7 event. Walk a Mile is an evening for families & community to spend time together while walking the track at Mustang Panther Stadium.

The GCISD Walk of Honor is accepting nominations for individuals who have become an important part of the GCISD story. These nominees should be those who have brought distinction, honor and excellence to the district. Do you have someone in mind who fits this description? Nominate them by May 1: https://gcisdwalkofhonor.com/nominate/

Don't miss out on your chance to make your voice heard! 📢 Tomorrow, April 4, is the LAST day to register to vote before the May 4 election. Visit VoteTexas.gov for information on how to register. #WeAreGCISD

Happy Assistant Principal Week to two amazing educators! Heritage Middle School is so lucky with Dr. Mishoe and Mrs. Torres as our APs!

Are you going to the next Community Bond Presentation? Join us tonight, April 2, at 6 p.m. in the Heritage Middle School cafeteria to learn more about the 2024 GCISD Bond planning process, propositions and tax rate impact. We hope to see you there! #WeAreGCISD

Did you know that GCISD has its own app? The app is your one-stop-shop for all things GCISD. The event section shows a list of events throughout the district. The Live Feed is where you'll find updates from your child's school. Never miss a thing by downloading the GCISD app! Android-https://tinyurl.com/GCISD-APP
Apple- https://tinyurl.com/GCISD-APP-APPLE

⭐ Have you heard of the Stars of GCISD program? ⭐
If you know of a GCISD employee who always puts their best foot forward for students, nominate them for this award! Your nomination will be entered into a monthly selection for the Star of GCISD award and the nominee will be celebrated at their campus or in their department. Learn more: www.gcisd.net/starsofgcisd

Have you heard of SMART Tag?
GCISD Transportation Services Department uses the Secured Mobility Authorized Ridership Technology (SMART) tag system to support student safety by providing accurate, real-time updates for students riding the bus. When parents need to know where their students are, this system provides timely updates.
Learn more and sign up for the SMART Tag Parent Portal:

Last night, the first community bond presentation was held at Colleyville Middle School. Community members joined us to learn more about the 2024 GCISD Bond planning process, propositions and tax rate impact.
Are you ready to learn more? Our next community presentation will be held on March 26, at 6 p.m. at Cross Timbers Middle School. #WeAreGCISD

Please join us as we celebrate our HMS Teachers of the Month for February 2024!!! #GrowingGreatnessHMS